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If you're planning to install siding, preparation is probably the single most important aspect of the job. Believe it or not, a huge percentage of siding issues that appear years after the installation can be traced to improper preparation! The exterior surface you will be installing the siding over will, of course, play a very important role in your siding preparation steps. Here are a few things to think about regarding preparation for siding installation, and a few helpful tips about siding products and the various surfaces they can cover.

Vinyl Siding Preparation
When installing vinyl siding, preparation is a matter of insulating as well as smoothing the surface over which the vinyl panels will be installed. Though some vinyl siding products are backed with an insulating material, many are not, so it is extremely beneficial to fill in any cracks that may allow heat transfer with caulk. When dealing with a material that expands and contracts as much as vinyl, preparation for siding installation is obviously going to involve some very careful measurements. Protuberances like dryer vents and window and door trim should be put into place before the siding is installed, and care should be taken to allow a bit of wiggle room so the expansion and contraction of the panels doesn't cause the installed siding to bow or buckle.

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